Social Distance Badges

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Social Distance Badges

Our Social Distance Badges can be distributed throughout your teams to provide proactive management of social distancing within your workplace. Printed on a 250gsm silk card, we can provide a pre-designed Social Distancing template or we're happy to receive a design of your choosing. Alternatively, if you require bespoke artwork, our graphic team will able to design to your exact requirements for a minimal charge.


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Social Distancing Badges - COVID-19

It can be easy for social distancing to become complacent in any workplace, but as employers its our duty to our employees and customers to proactively promote recommended advice on keeping a safe distance from each other. Our Social Distancing Keep Safe Badges are the perfect, cost effective way to ensure your team are proactively reminded about social distancing measures you have implemented in your organisation.

Each social distancing badge order is supplied with both plastic badge holder and insert to the corresponding order quantity.

Social Distancing Badge Design

Our Graphic Design Studio has created a suite of pre-design COVID-19 related social distancing communication templates across a variety of products. We are making these freely available on all print orders. You are welcome to supply your own designs, or if you require a bespoke template, our team can create this for a minimal charge. Please just get in touch with us via the contact form. 

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